
Fdtd matlab code electromagnetic
Fdtd matlab code electromagnetic

fdtd matlab code electromagnetic

fdtd matlab code electromagnetic fdtd matlab code electromagnetic

Cover design by by Andy Meaden ISBN 13: 978-1-63081-779-4 © 2021 ARTECH HOUSE 685 Canton Street Norwood, MA 02062 All rights reserved. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A catalog record for this book is available from the U.S.

#Fdtd matlab code electromagnetic series

Two-Dimensional Canonical Triangular Cylinder Problemĥ.2 Scattering at Leading and Trailing Edgesĥ.4 Backscattering in the Direction Normal to the PlateĦ.3 Trilateral Cylinder with Rounded Edgesġ0.1.2 Finite Difference Time Domain ModelingĮlectromagnetic Diffraction Modeling and Simulation with MATLAB®įor a complete listing of titles in the Artech House Electromagnetics Series turn to the back of this book.Įlectromagnetic Diffraction Modeling and Simulation with MATLAB® Gökhan Apaydin Levent Sevgi Electromagnetic Diffraction Modeling and Simulationġ.1.1 Two-Dimensional Maxwell Equations in a Cartesian Coordinate Systemġ.5 Scattered Fields, Diffracted Fields, Fringe Fieldsġ.6 EM Wave-Object Interaction: Radar Cross SectionĢ Two-Dimensional Canonical Wedge ProblemĢ.2 Exact Solution and High-Frequency Asymptoticsģ Two-Dimensional Canonical Strip Problemģ.2.1 Backscattering by a Soft Strip (SBC)ģ.2.2 Backscattering by a Hard Strip (HBC)ģ.2.3 Backscattering by a Soft-Hard Strip (SHBC)ģ.3.1 Backscattering by a Soft Strip (SBC)ģ.3.2 Backscattering by a Hard Strip (HBC)ģ.3.3 Backscattering by a Soft-Hard Strip (SHBC)

Fdtd matlab code electromagnetic